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March 2023 News

An update from Lindy – our Tour Guide Manager and Conservationist

March is a wonderful month, spring is on its way, yet the frost has not departed from us just yet. Nonetheless, we have some spectacularly sunny days approaching, be inspired by our wildlife and evade winter hibernation.

Weather can be fickle and as the earth rotates towards the sun and the days gradually lengthen, the atmosphere slowly becomes warmer. The southern and northern air competes, and so does pressure which produces windy March conditions.

Animals are finely tuned to this and adjust their behaviour accordingly. Some creatures, for instance bats, may not awake from their winter torpor or deep sleep for several weeks yet. Their heartbeat has dropped as low as four beats a minute.

Nature carries on and adjusts, as the month goes on flora and fauna is coaxed out of hiding and blackthorn and primroses will appear; as well as, beautiful yellow gorse with its coconut perfume.

Strolling past the hedgerows and through our ancient woodland there are signs of spring everywhere. Golden catkins are dripping from bare branches, not only cheering us all on a sunny day but also providing essential food for the emerging early bumble bees, honeybees, hoverflies and various butterflies. As the month continues, the humming of these insects intensifies, as the season cautiously changes.

Hear the distinctive drumming sound of woodpeckers knocking their bills. In our woodland, they can be heard beating away to establish their territories. It is usually the male bird who is responsible for this, a message to passing females that he is available! Their fragile heads can tolerate this constant pressure as their skulls are adapted; comprised of small bones which cushion the cells to prevent damage.

The pond alongside our decking will become active during March. It will be waking up and frogs will travel to the pond to lay spawn at night. However, it is a tricky time for pond fish as they are yet to adjust after spending the winter deep down in the water to protect their immune system. A warm spell will encourage parasites to increase, and these fish will be at a low ebb and susceptible. As the month goes on the water will become a hub of activity with tadpoles, newts and other water creatures – indicating how clean it is.

March is a unique time to take a lovely walk around our 450 acre estate. Join us in our tasting room and enjoy a delicious glass of wine, cider or beer and a charcuterie platter after taking it all in.


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